markerless motion capture has opened up a new frontier in coaching and analytics

Bioalchemy was present in the early days of markerless motion capture in baseball, assisting the Philadelphia Phillies in the all aspects of their biomechanics service to their athletes, coaches and analysts

From stragetic directions to back end calculations to visualization and direct feedback, Bioalchemy was key in the establishment of biomechanics at the Phillies

Bioachemy is available for consulting and mentoring to organizations worldwide who are looking to leverage biomechanics, in particular markerless motion capture, in elite sport

Access to knowledge and experience

BioAlchemy director, Alec Buttfield, has worked in applied sports biomechanics for over two decades. His ideas have been shaped by accumulated knowledge and experience over that journey.

The application of biomechanics principles is not something that can be learned solely from a book, it needs to be lived and experienced. Service evolves and improves with time.

As the use of markerless motion capture becomes widespread, there will be a premium on knowledge of how to integrate biomechanics into analytics and coaching.

BioAlchemy provides organizations with a flexible approach to leveraging this knowledge and expertise.

Consulting and Strategic Direction

In any organization there are competing influences that need to be balanced.

Balancing the needs of the individual athlete with the needs of the organization. Balancing demands on limited resources. Balancing future direcion with immediate requirements. Balancing the skillset of the staff

BioAlchemy has navigated these questions in multiple elite environments, with a track history of success. We can share our experiences with you, and help to shape the direction of of a biomechanics service in your own organization.

Other Sports

As Hawkeye and other markerless systems expand to other sports, organizations in those sports will begin to ask the same questions as were asked in baseball. BioAlchemy is ideally positioned to help organizations plan their strategic path to maximise the impact of this technology across all sports.

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