applied sport scientists spend generally spend a lot of time collecting and analysing data on their athletes
Bioalchemy has been engaged by many professional teams and national sporting organisations to streamline those processes
this reduces time spent organising the data and maximises the time spent analysing the results, freeing up staff to spend more time impacting on the performance of their athletes
some examples of this in action are:
GPS and athlete Tracking
Bioalchemy has provided solutions to professional teams in the Australian Football League, English Premier League, NFL and NBA, streamlining and customising analysis and reporting of player tracking data.
In the early days of athlete tracking in team sports, we provided analysis programs that took the raw data and calculated variables unavailable in the manufacturer's software

BioAlchemy GPS repoort circa 2006
In more recent times, we have been asked to buld programs that focus on speeding up reporting time, drawing together data from different sources and adding in some bespoke calculations (such as metabolic power) or filtering specific to an organisation's needs

Sections from BioAlchemy Excel Workbooks with VB coding - 2013
Technique and Tactical Analysis
Many organisations have accessed assistance in the area of technique and tactical analysis from Bioalchemy. The service provided has ranged from specific analysis of athletes and techniques to designing systems to be used in training and competition.

Performance analysis for cycling including custom timing application (with wireless trigger) for the coach and wifi for the analyst to send the videos and analysis from the stands to trackside where the coach is

Track bike fully instrumented with strain gauges - telemetry and remote capture included
Combining physical and tactical analysis
Data collection has exploded in elite sport, and nuggets of gold are getting harder to find. The sum of all the parts can easily exceed the analysis of each indivdual element. Providing tactical context for physical data is just one example of many.

Program combining GPS, stats and video

Using statistics to define within game momentum - can be combined with GPS